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We only use the most advanced IVF methods with high success rates

PGD and PGS in Cyprus

PGD in Cyprus is one of our most popular and biggest treatments. Both in terms of what it offers as a concept and how wide ranging it is. We can accurately determine the sex of an embryo, plus detect over 400 genetic disorders and carry out screening for Aneuploidy, Single gene disorder, Chromosomal translocation.
ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection


ICSI is a very common method for male infertility issues, which affects around 1% of the total male population. In this treatment, the best sperm is selected and then injected directly into the egg to initiate the fertilisation process.

Egg Donation

Egg donation is a prevalent fertility solution for couples where the female partner cannot produce viable eggs for IVF or fertilisation. The surrogate egg is then fertilised with the best sperm of the male partner, giving life to an embryo that still carries the couple’s DNA.
Tandem Cycle in Cyprus

Tandem Cycle in Cyprus

Using donor eggs is a wonderful way to give a woman a chance of carrying her own child, even if her eggs are poor quality or she has a low ovarian reserve. However, it can sometimes be difficult to accept that your own eggs will not progress to a viable pregnancy. With a tandem cycle, both your eggs and donor eggs will be fertilised so you have every chance of using your own eggs before a donors’.

Sperm Donation in Cyprus

Sperm donation is a very standard treatment that we often use alongside traditional IVF. It is one of the most established treatments that we offer. There are different reasons why a couple may be considering using donor sperm. Low quantity and low quality are two of the top reasons.
Cyprus IVF Clinic

Embryo Donation in Cyprus

Sometimes couples can experience problems with both the egg and sperm. When this happens, a donor embryo can be used. Cyprus IVF Clinic offers two types of embryo donation treatment – fresh embryos and frozen embryos. For this treatment you will choose an egg and a sperm donor.
With an extensive aftercare programme, Cyprus IVF Clinic are ready to handle your every fertility need. Whatever your circumstances, please contact us today for advice and guidance on making the move towards IVF.
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